Perhaps iOS 8.2 Fixes Some Things?
This is a "MUST HAVE" Application for the UWatch U Terra! I recently got an iPhone 5 and was hoping for a much lower cost solution with good functionality so I didnt have to consider mortgaging my house to get an iWatch ($400 to $17,000????). Very cool though:-). UWatch is a great low-cost alternative with plenty of functionality thanks to this App!!! Out of the box, the U Terra allows calling and answering as well as Music control. Enabling SMS messaging in the Settings for Messages also allows notifications to appear on the watch. This Application ADDs: Sports information exchange, SMS texts to appear on the watch (but still need the watch app to manage them properly), and it allows shutter control for the camera now! Good job with this App...please make some updates make the UWatch a complete enhanced experience for iPhone users!
UWatch_Crazy about
Mediatek SmartDevice